
Register Command

EnderDragon expansion provides a simplified method to register a command.

Here is an example:

package expansion.groovy.Example

import org.bukkit.Bukkit
import pers.xanadu.enderdragon.config.Lang
import pers.xanadu.enderdragon.script.tool.ScriptCommand as Command//You can delete this import because "Command" is built-in

static void enable(){
Lang.info("I am a CommandTest script written in groovy.")
def executor = {
sender, cmd, label, args ->{
sender.sendMessage("I'm a test command")//sender a message to command sender
return true
new Command("hello")//new a command with name "hello"
.setAliases(["666","he"])//you can use an alias instead of "hello"
.setExecutor(executor)//code to run when command is executed
//set the tab completer
.setTabCompleter({//Define a closure and then pass it in is also avaliable(like setExecutor), which makes no difference
sender, cmd, label, args ->{
return ["tab1","tab2"]
.setPermission("hello.test")//set command permission
.setPermissionMessage("§4You don't have permission to do that!")//remind if lack permission
.setNamespace("xanadu")//send command namespace, ie. /hello:hello -> /xanadu:hello
.setDescription("test command")//set command description
.setUsage("A command register example")//set command usage
//.register() //register this command(Default Unregistered)

static void test(){
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("you runs test()")

The above code regiser a simple command, "/hello", which can be executed through "/666" or "/he", and of course you need permission "hello.test" to use it.

And here is a simpler example:

def executor = {
sender, cmd, label, args ->{
sender.sendMessage("I'm a test command")
return true
new Command("hello")